Valarie Ruvalcaba Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024

Valarie Ruvalcaba

Valarie Ruvalcaba is a talented young woman who has already achieved so much at 22. Born on October 21, 2002, in Tijuana, Mexico, Valarie is a Libra and stands 4 feet 11 inches tall. She currently resides in the United States and has made a name for herself as a model.

Valarie’s robust family support system has helped her pursue her dreams. Despite her young age, she has gained recognition and success in the modeling industry.

Who is Valarie Ruvalcaba?

Valarie Ruvalcaba is a very calm person. She was born in Mexico and now lives in America. Valarie is a model. They pose for pictures you see in magazines, billboards, or your favorite clothing websites. Valarie is not very tall – she’s only 4 feet 11 inches.

But she doesn’t let that stop her from being great at her job. People often call her the Mexican Barbie because of her beauty. Despite being young, Valarie is doing very well in her career. She’s got a lot of people cheering for her, including her family. 



Valarie      Ruvalcaba  
Date of Birth
October 21, 2002
Age ( 2024)
 22 Years
57 kilograms.
4 feet 11 inches

Early Life and Education

Valarie Ruvalcaba was born in Tijuana, a city in Mexico. Can you imagine how fun it was to grow up there? She was born on October 21, which makes her a Libra. That’s one of the star signs. As a little girl, she always liked dressing up and posing for pictures. That’s probably why she became a model.

She moved to the United States, where she went to school and learned many new things. Valarie worked hard and was good at her studies. But she always knew that she wanted to be a model. So, she kept following her dream. Now, she’s a famous model.

Parents and Siblings

Valarie Ruvalcaba comes from a wonderful family. Her parents are from Mexico, just like her. They were always there to help and support her. They believed in her dream of becoming a model and encouraged her every step of the way. Valarie also has siblings. Siblings are brothers and sisters. They, too, were always cheering for her and proud of her achievements.

They all love each other very much. Valarie is lucky to have them as she follows her dreams. Her family’s support plays a big part in her success.

Husband and Boyfriend

Valarie Ruvalcaba is not married and focused on her modeling career. A husband is a man that a person is married to, but Valarie doesn’t have a husband. She also doesn’t have a boyfriend right now. A boyfriend is a person’s special friend they like a lot and who likes them back in the same way.

Valarie is young and still has a lot of dreams she wants to achieve. Maybe one day, when she’s ready, she will have a husband or a boyfriend. But for now, she’s working on being the best model.


Valarie Ruvalcaba is very young, she’s only 22 years old. And at this age, she has a lot of dreams to chase. So, right now, she does not have any children. Children are little humans like you who need grown-ups to care for them. She’d be a great mom! But for now, she is focusing on her modeling career and becoming the best model she can be.

Just like how you want to become the best at something you love. So, while Valarie has no children, she does what she loves the most: modeling.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Age, Weight, Height, and Physical Appearance

Valarie Ruvalcaba is an extraordinary young lady. She was born on October 21, 2002, at 22 years old. She is a Libra. That’s one of the star signs in the sky. She is 4 feet 11 inches tall. That’s a little shorter than your mom or dad. Valarie also weighs 57 kilograms.

That’s like the weight of a big dog. People often say she looks like a Barbie doll because of her looks. She has lovely long hair and always has a beautiful smile.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Before Fame

Before Valarie Ruvalcaba became a famous model, she was a regular girl growing up in Mexico. Like you, she loved playing, laughing, and learning new things. Her favorite activity was dressing up and posing for photos. It was like a fun game for her. Her friends and family noticed her talent and told her she could be a great model someday. Valarie listened to their advice and decided she wanted to follow her dreams.

So, she started working hard to become a model. Even though she was not famous yet, she had a lot of determination and courage. And that’s what helped her reach her dreams.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Career

She’s a model. This means she gets to wear pretty clothes and pose for photos that appear in magazines and websites. Valarie began modeling when she was very young. Even though she’s not very tall, only 4 feet 11 inches, she’s good at it.

People even call her the Mexican Barbie because she’s so beautiful. She works hard to be the best model she can be. That’s what makes her so successful. Remember, even if you’re young, you can work hard to reach your dreams, just like Valarie.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Net Worth

Valarie Ruvalcaba makes her living by being a model. It’s the same for Valarie. She earns money by taking beautiful pictures. This money that she earns is called her ‘net worth.’ We are still determining the exact amount of Valarie’s net worth. Sometimes, people don’t like to share how much money they make, and that’s okay.

But we do know that she works very hard and is successful in her job. So, she must be earning a good amount of money. It’s not just about how much money you make, but about loving what you do, just like Valarie.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Achievements and Awards

Valarie Ruvalcaba, the Mexican Barbie, has made significant steps in her modeling career. Modeling is like being a superstar in the world of fashion. People give awards to those who do well in their jobs. Valarie has won some of these awards, too. These awards show that she is an excellent model.

They’re like gold stars you get at school when you do something great. Even though Valarie is only 21, she has achieved a lot. This is because she always works hard and tries her best. These awards are like a big “well done” for all her hard work.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Social Media Presence

You can see Valarie Ruvalcaba’s pictures on the internet. She has accounts on social media. Social media are places on the internet where people share photos and messages. Like you share your drawings with your friends, Valarie shares her modeling pictures and sometimes pictures of her having fun. She uses social media to talk to her fans and share her life.

A fan likes what you do, just like how you’re a fan of your favorite cartoon character. So, if you want to see Valarie’s pretty pictures, you can check her social media! But remember, always ask a grown-up before going on the internet.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Projects

Valarie Ruvalcaba is always busy with exciting projects. A project is like a big task or job that you have to do. For Valarie, these projects are usually about modeling. She gets to wear fancy clothes and pose for pictures. Some of her projects involve traveling to new places for photo shoots. That’s like having your picture taken in different locations.

She also works on projects with different fashion brands. A brand is a product made by a company, like your favorite toy or snack. Like you, Valarie also has to prepare and practice for her projects to ensure she does her best.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Future Plains

Well, Valarie has big dreams!. Even though she is already a successful model, she wants to keep getting better. She plans to work on more exciting modeling projects. Maybe she’ll even travel to new places for photo shoots.

She might also learn new things to help her be a better model. Maybe she’ll even start her fashion brand someday! Like you, Valarie has dreams and works hard to make them come true. So, let’s wait and see what the future holds for this fantastic young model.


Dressing Up: Valarie loves to dress up. She likes trying on different outfits and accessories. This helps her get ready for her job as a model.

Photography: She also enjoys taking pictures. She often takes photos of beautiful things she sees. Sometimes, they’re used in her modeling projects.

Traveling: Valarie loves going to new places. This is handy because her modeling job often takes her to exciting locations.

Reading: Valarie likes to read books, too. Reading helps her learn new things and relax.

Cooking: Lastly, Valarie enjoys cooking. She likes making delicious food to share with her family and friends.

Valarie Ruvalcaba Favoruite Things

Favorite Food: Valarie loves Mexican food. It reminds her of her home in Mexico.

Favorite Color: Her favorite color is pink. It’s bright and happy, just like her!

Favorite Book: Valarie enjoys reading fashion magazines. They give her ideas for her modeling.

Favorite Place: She loves the beach. She finds it peaceful and beautiful.

Favorite Animal: Valarie adores dogs. She thinks they’re charming and friendly.

Interesting Facts About

  • Here are some fun facts about Valarie Ruvalcaba:
  • Even though she’s short, Valarie is a great model. Height doesn’t matter when you’re talented.
  • She’s called the Mexican Barbie. That’s because she’s as pretty as a Barbie doll.
  • Valarie started modeling when she was very young.
  • She loved posing for pictures since she was a little girl.
  • She moved from Mexico to America. That’s a big adventure.
  • Her favorite color is pink. It’s bright and happy, just like her.
  • She loves dogs. They’re her favorite animals! Valarie enjoys reading.
  • She likes to learn new things from books.


How tall is Valarie?

She’s 4 feet 11 inches tall, a bit shorter than most grown-ups

Where was she born?

Valarie was born in Tijuana, Mexico.

What’s her job?

She’s a professional model and takes pictures for magazines and websites.

Why do people call her the Mexican Barbie?

People think she’s as pretty as a Barbie doll.

Does she have any children?

No, she doesn’t have any children. She’s focused on her career right now.


So, that’s the story of Valarie Ruvalcaba. She’s a young, beautiful model who is reaching for the stars. Born in Mexico, she’s now a star in America! She proves that no matter how young or where you come from, you can achieve your dreams if you work hard.

And remember, it’s not about how much money you earn, but about doing what you love! Just like Valarie loves being a model. Keep trying and never give up, just like Valarie! And always be kind, just like Valarie. She’s a fantastic role model.


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