Shell Raven Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Shell Raven

Shell Raven is a talented and well-known American plus-size model, Instagram fashion beauty, and social media influencer. She was born on April 28, 1992, in Los Angeles, California, and is 32 years old. As a Taurus, Shell is known for her determination, strength, and loyalty.

Standing 5 feet 5 inches tall and weighing 70 kg, she accurately represents body positivity and self-love. With her captivating looks and fierce confidence, Shell has taken the fashion industry by storm and inspired many.

Who is Shell Raven?

Shell Raven is someone many people look up to. She lives in a big city called Los Angeles, California. Shell was born when the year was 1992, which makes her a grown-up. She’s good at modeling, takes pictures in different clothes, and looks very pretty. Shell is also famous on Instagram, where she shares these pictures, and many people like them.

She’s special because she shows that being yourself is fantastic, regardless of size. Shell loves to share her style and make others feel happy and confident about their appearance. She’s not just about taking photos but spreading joy and positivity. People like Shell because she helps them see beauty in everyone.


Real Name
Michele Mendez.
Shell Raven
Model, Actress
5 feet 5 inches.
Kilograms: 70 Kg.                   
Figure Measurement        
Date of Birth
April 28, 1992
32 Years


Early Life and Education

Shell Raven grew up in a sunny place called Los Angeles. As a little girl, she loved playing dress-up and pretending she was in a fashion show. Shell always smiled big and liked making her friends and family happy. When she was your age, she attended a school like you. She loved learning about art and drawing beautiful pictures.

Shell was also good at reading stories and imagining she was part of them. School was a place where she learned to be kind and brave and to believe in herself. Even when she was small, Shell knew she wanted to do something special. She worked hard, listened to her teachers, and always remembered to have fun and dream big.

Parents and Siblings

Shell Raven grew up with a loving family in Los Angeles. She has a mommy and a daddy who always encouraged her to follow her dreams, even when they seemed as big as the sky. Shell also has brothers and sisters. Together, they made a fun team, playing games, sharing stories, and creating beautiful memories.

Shell’s family taught her to be kind and brave and to always believe in herself. Every day was an adventure filled with laughter and learning. They are a big part of why Shell is so happy and confident today, constantly reminding her that she is loved just as she is.

Husband and Boyfriend

Shell Raven is a person who keeps her heart matters very private, just like a secret garden. She has yet to share if she has a special someone, like a boyfriend or a husband. Just like some people keep their favorite toy or book a secret, Shell does the same with her love life.

It’s important to remember that everyone’s story is different, and Shell chooses to share her journey in fashion and spreading happiness. This teaches us that keeping some parts of our lives just for ourselves and sharing what makes us happiest is okay.


Shell Raven has not talked much about having children, just like a mystery book that keeps you guessing. It’s like when you play a game of hide and seek, and there’s that one spot nobody knows about. Shell supports some parts of her life as private as her favorite hiding spot. Shell is on her adventure, like in our favorite stories, where every character has a remarkable journey.

And right now, her adventure is all about spreading joy, showing off her fabulous fashion, and making the world a brighter place. She reminds us that everyone has their own story; some chapters are shared while others are kept close to the heart.

Shell Raven Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Shell Raven is a wonderful lady who has been on Earth for 32 bright years. She’s not super tall like a basketball player, but she’s still mighty. Shell stands 5 feet 5  inches tall, which is just right for hugging. She weighs 70 kilograms, perfect for being strong and healthy. Shell’s smile lights up the room, and their eyes sparkle like stars.

Her hair can be like a shiny crown or soft waves, changing like the seasons. Shell shows everyone that beauty isn’t about being the tallest or the smallest; it’s about being happy with who you are. She reminds us that it’s cool to be unique and to love the skin you’re in.

Shell Raven Before Fame

Before Shell Raven became a star, she was a regular girl with big dreams. Like you, she had a favorite color, played with friends, and sometimes got scared of the dark. Shell loved dressing up and imagining she was in different worlds, from magical kingdoms to fashion runways. She wasn’t famous yet, but her heart was full of hope.

Every day, she would look in the mirror and smile, knowing she was notable in her way. She went to school, did her homework, and helped her mom and dad around the house. Shell believed that if she worked hard and stayed true to herself, her dreams would come true. They did!

Shell Raven Career

Shell Raven is like a shining star in the world of fashion. Imagine playing dress-up and everyone loving your style; that’s what Shell does as her job! She stands in front of the cameras, wearing beautiful clothes, and smiles big so everyone can see her happiness and confidence. Her pictures go on Instagram, where many people see them and feel good about themselves.

Shell also walks on runways like long paths where models show off clothes. It’s like showing your family how fast you can run or how high you can jump, but for Shell, it’s all about showing the clothes and feeling proud. She helps everyone understand that being yourself is the best thing you can be, no matter your size.

Shell Raven’s Net Worth

In the world of fashion and smiles, Shell Raven is like a treasure chest full of sparkly jewels. You might wonder, Well, imagine a giant piggy bank; Shell’s piggy bank is quite full because she has worked very hard. People can earn money when they work as models, take beautiful pictures, and share their style with the world. This money is like gold coins that fill up their piggy bank.

While we have yet to determine precisely how many gold coins Shell has, she’s done a great job in her career. She’s like a fashion princess in her castle, with a treasure chest that helps her keep sharing her excellent style and happy messages with everyone.

Shell Raven Achievements and Awards

In the big fashion world, Shell Raven is like a superhero who has won trophies for being awesome. For example, when you win a gold star in class for doing something great, Shell has been recognized for making people feel happy and confident about themselves.

She has won awards for being a fantastic plus-size model and helping everyone see that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. Imagine a shelf filled with shiny trophies and medals; that’s what Shell has for showing the world how to love themselves just as they are. She has a big heart, and that’s her most significant award.

Shell Raven Future Plains

Imagine you have a magic book where you can draw or write about all the fun things you want to do when you grow up. That’s like what Shell Raven is doing, but it’s making people smile in the fashion world. Shell dreams about creating her line of clothes that everyone, regardless of size, can wear and feel like a superstar.

She also wants to travel to new places, like a fashion explorer, and take pictures in beautiful dresses. Plus, Shell thinks about helping kids learn to love themselves just as they are. It’s like she wants to spread sparkles of happiness and confidence everywhere she goes.

Shell Raven Social Media Presence

Shell Raven is like a friendly neighbor in the big world of the internet. She loves sharing pictures and stories on Instagram, where she has many friends. Just like when you draw a beautiful picture and want everyone to see it, Shell posts her photos so people can see her fantastic fashion and big smiles. She’s like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, making everyone happy when they see her posts.

Like magic, Shell uses her computer and phone to send these happy messages worldwide. She’s good at using social media to spread love and joy, just like a modern-day fairy tale princess with a magic wand, but instead, she has a camera and a big heart.

Shell Raven Projects

Shell Raven is working on super cool projects like secret missions to make the world more colorful and kind. She’s planning to design comfy and stylish clothes for everyone, making it easier for people to feel good about their appearance. Think of it like picking out your favorite outfit that makes you feel like a superhero. Shell wants to make sure everyone has that feeling.

Also, she dreams of going on adventures to new places where she can take pictures and share stories that inspire others to be happy and confident. Imagine going on a treasure hunt, but instead of looking for gold, you’re spreading smiles and fashion magic everywhere. Shell’s projects are about creating a happier world, one outfit and one smile at a time.


Drawing: Shell loves to create beautiful pictures with her crayons and markers, just like when you color in your favorite coloring book. 

Reading: She enjoys exploring exciting storybooks and discovering magical worlds and adventures.

 Cooking: Shell likes to whip up yummy treats in the kitchen, experimenting with different ingredients to make tasty snacks. 

Dancing: Moving to the beat of her favorite songs, Shell dances like no one’s watching, filling the room with joy and laughter. 

Traveling: Exploring new places is a big adventure for Shell. She loves seeing different parts of the world and meeting new friends.

Shell Raven’s Favorite Things

Shell Raven has some favorite things that make her smile big and happy.  

Ice Cream: Just like many of us, Shell loves ice cream’s creamy and yummy taste. It’s her go-to treat on sunny days or whenever she wants to feel extra cheerful. 

Sparkly Dresses: Shell adores dresses that shimmer and shine. Wearing them makes her feel like a star in the sky, lighting up the world with her style. 

Cats: Furry friends, especially cats, hold a special place in Shell’s heart. She loves their soft purrs and cuddly naps together. 

Sunsets: Watching the sky change colors as the sun goes down is one of Shell’s favorite moments. It reminds her of the beauty in the world. 

Dancing in the Rain: There’s something magical about raindrops for Shell. She loves to dance outside when it rains, feeling free and joyful.

Interesting Facts About

Shell Loves Nature: Shell enjoys playing outside, playing in parks, and looking at flowers. Nature makes her happy! 

She’s a Taurus: Being a Taurus means Shell is strong like a bull and loves beautiful things. 

Favorite Color: Shell’s favorite color is pink because it’s bright and makes her think of happiness. 

Secret Talent: Shell is good at making funny faces that can make anyone laugh.

First Job: Shell once had a job where she helped walk dogs, giving her many puppy cuddles. 

Dream Vacation: Shell dreams of visiting a place where she can see the Northern Lights dance in the sky.


How did Shell Raven become a model?

She loved dressing up and sharing her style, which many people liked.

What’s Shell’s favorite part about being a model?

She loves making people feel happy and confident.

Can I meet Shell Raven?

Meeting her might be tricky, but following her adventures on Instagram is like being her friend from afar.


Shell Raven ends, just like when you finish an excellent storybook. Shell is not just someone who wears pretty clothes; she’s like a superhero teaching us that being unique is terrific. From her adventures in modeling to spreading happiness on Instagram, she’s shown us the magic of being ourselves. 

Like Shell, you’re unique in your way. Whether through fashion, drawing, or playing, what matters most is sharing your true self with the world. Like Shell Raven, you can make the world brighter, one smile at a time.


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