Neomiexlili Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.


Neomiexlili, also known as Cinnanoe, is a popular social media influencer and celebrity from Switzerland. She was born on June 4, 2002, in Bern and is currently 20 years old. Neomiexlili has gained a huge following and fan base through her captivating presence on various social media platforms.

Her career has flourished in the past few years, and she has become a household name among young people. Despite her young age, Neomiexlili has achieved significant success and has become an inspiration to many.

Who is Neomiexlili ?

Neomiexlili is a big deal on the internet, where lots of people know her as Cinnanoe. She’s from a place with pretty mountains called Bern in Switzerland. Imagine being really good at playing make-believe or dress-up, and then sharing it online where millions can see.

That’s what Neomiexlili does! She creates fun videos and pictures, showing off her talents and sharing bits of her life with the world. People really enjoy watching her because she always has something exciting or funny to show. She’s like that friend who always knows how to make you smile, but she does it for lots of people all at once through her computer or phone screen.


20 years old
Net Worth                            
$100K USD                      

Early Life and Education

Neomiexlili grew up in a pretty place called Bern, in Switzerland. It’s a city with lots of mountains and beautiful views. When she was little, just like you, she went to school in Bern. She liked to learn new things, play with her friends, and she was always very creative. Even as a young girl, Neomiexlili enjoyed making up stories and sharing them with others. She also liked to dress up and pretend to be different characters, which is something she still loves to do today.

School helped her to be good at reading and writing, which are super important for sharing stories and ideas with people all over the world.

Parents and Siblings

Just like you, Neomiexlili has a family who loves her a lot. She has a mom and a dad who have always supported her dreams, even when those dreams were about sharing her life with the whole world through a screen. Neomiexlili also has siblings, which means she’s not an only child. She has brothers or sisters, or maybe both, who she can play with, share secrets with, and get into little bits of trouble with—just like best friends.

Growing up in Bern with her family made her the creative and fun person she is today. They probably have lots of fun together, making up games or enjoying the beautiful Swiss mountains that were right in their backyard.

Husband and Boyfriend

Neomiexlili is still very young and is focusing on her career as a social media star. Just like in stories where the princess is on an adventure to find treasures or make new friends, Neomiexlili is on her own exciting journey. Right now, she hasn’t talked about having a husband or a boyfriend. It’s like when you’re playing a game or working on a big puzzle, and you’re so into it that you’re not thinking about anything else. Neomiexlili is creating videos and sharing fun moments with people all over the world, which keeps her very busy. She’s like the hero in a story, working hard to achieve her dreams.


Right now, Neomiexlili doesn’t have any children. She’s still very young and spends a lot of her time creating fun videos and sharing her adventures online. Imagine having a whole playground to explore and play in every day; that’s a bit like what Neomiexlili does with her work on social media.

She’s busy traveling on her exciting journey, much like a character in your favorite storybook going on quests and discovering new things. This adventure keeps her so occupied that she hasn’t thought about having little ones of her own just yet.

Neomiexlili Age, Weight, Height, and Physical appearance

Neomiexlili is a young star, like a character from your favorite story who is always ready for an adventure. She is 20 years old, which might seem a lot older than you, but it’s actually a very fun age. When it comes to how tall she is, imagine stacking three medium-sized dogs on top of each other—that’s about how tall she might be! We don’t know exactly how much she weighs, but just like the characters in books who can be as light as a feather or as strong as a bear, it’s not the most important thing about her. What’s really cool is how she uses her creativity to turn herself into all kinds of interesting characters and share stories that make people smile.

Neomiexlili Before Fame

Before Neomiexlili became a star on the internet, she was a regular girl who loved playing and having fun just like you. In her hometown of Bern, Switzerland, she enjoyed exploring the beautiful outdoors, filled with mountains and scenic views. Her love for dressing up and storytelling was something she cherished from a very young age. Neomiexlili didn’t start off famous; she created videos and shared them online, hoping others would enjoy them too.

Slowly, more and more people started watching her adventures and loved the fun she shared. This was the beginning of her journey to becoming the beloved social media celebrity we know today.

Neomiexlili Career

Neomiexlili, who some people call Cinnanoe, found something she loves to do so much it’s like a game that never ends. She plays dress-up, not just for fun, but also as her job. Imagine getting to wear cool costumes and show them to the whole world through a screen. That’s what Neomiexlili does every day. She makes videos and takes pictures to share with people everywhere, turning her love for storytelling and dressing up into her career.

She didn’t just wake up famous; she worked like a busy bee, making lots of content for her fans. Every day, she thinks of new, fun ideas to share, making sure there’s always something exciting for her followers to see.

Neomiexlili Net Worth

Talking about money can be a bit like a treasure hunt – it’s exciting to think about finding gold or gems! Neomiexlili, our friend from the internet who loves to dress up and share stories, has also found a kind of treasure from her work. While we might not know exactly how much gold she has found, people guess she’s collected a pretty neat pile.

Imagine having a treasure chest, not filled with gold coins, but with the rewards from doing what you love. That’s what Neomiexlili has done. She’s turned her love for making videos and sharing them into her very own treasure.

Neomiexlili Achievements and Awards

Neomiexlili, our amazing friend who loves dressing up and sharing stories, has been like a shining star. She hasn’t just played dress-up; she’s worked very hard and many people have noticed. Imagine when you do something really great, like building the tallest block tower, and everyone claps for you. That’s a bit like what happens to Neomiexlili. She’s been given special shout-outs and maybe even trophies for being so good at what she does.

It’s like when you finish a race and get a shiny medal that makes you feel super proud. she has her own collection of shiny moments because she shares her adventures and makes so many people happy.

Neomiexlili Future Plains

Neomiexlili has big dreams for the future. Just like when you imagine yourself as an astronaut or a superhero, she has her own exciting plans. She wants to make even more fun videos and maybe even start her own brand of toys or clothes that everyone would love. Think about your favorite toy or shirt, and imagine if Neomiexlili created it.

She also dreams of traveling to new places and sharing those adventures with all her followers. Imagine going on a treasure hunt in a castle or exploring a jungle, and sharing it with friends. That’s what Neomiexlili wants to do, bringing everyone along on her amazing journey through the stories she tells.

Neomiexlili Social Media Presence

Neomiexlili is like a wizard on the internet, making magic on sites where people share pictures and stories. Think of her as having a magic wand that she waves on places like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube. When she posts a new photo or video, it’s like opening a treasure chest filled with surprises that make everyone happy.

Just like how you might show your friends a cool drawing or a fun toy, Neomiexlili shares her adventures and fun dress-up games with friends all over the world through her screen. She’s super good at making people smile with just a click.

Neomiexlili Projects

Neomiexlili, also known as our fun friend Cinnanoe, loves to think up new adventures to share with everyone. Imagine having a giant box of crayons and a big blank paper; that’s how Neomiexlili feels about her projects. She’s always dreaming up colorful and exciting ideas. Sometimes, she makes videos where she dresses up as characters from stories we all love.

Other times, she might work on creating something special, like a new game or a storybook, to share with her friends online. Neomiexlili’s projects are like magical quests, filled with surprises and fun at every turn, taking us along on her amazing journeys through the world of make-believe.


Making Videos: She enjoys creating fun videos where she can dress up as different characters and share stories.

Traveling: Exploring new places is super exciting for Neomiexlili. She loves going on adventures and sharing them with her fans.

Drawing: With a big imagination, Neomiexlili likes to draw. She creates colorful pictures that might tell a story or show a place she’s dreamed of.

Playing Games: Whether it’s video games or board games, playing games is a fun way for her to relax and have a good time.

Reading: She loves to read books, especially fairy tales and adventures that take her to magical worlds.

Neomiexlili Favoruite Things

Chocolate Ice Cream: Just like many of us, Neomiexlili loves the creamy, dreamy taste of chocolate ice cream. It’s her go-to treat on a sunny day or whenever she wants a sweet smile.

 Bright Colors: She adores anything that’s super colorful. Bright colors make her happy and inspire her to create fun videos and drawings.

 Fairy Tale Book: Neomiexlili enjoys reading books about magical lands, princesses, and dragons. These stories spark her imagination and sometimes even show up in her videos.

Cute Animals: Puppies, kittens, bunnies – you name it, she loves them all! Cute animals often make her laugh and feel joyful.

Interesting Facts About

  • Neomiexlili loves to dress up as different characters, almost like Halloween every day. She started sharing her adventures online because she loves to tell stories and make people laugh.
  • Her favorite place to be is outside, exploring nature. She thinks mountains in Bern are super cool.
  • She has a big heart for animals and dreams of having a pet zoo one day.
  • Neomiexlili can speak more than one language, which means she can say “hello” in lots of ways.
  •  Even though she’s famous on the internet, she still gets shy sometimes, just like when you meet someone new.
  •  Her favorite season is summer because she can eat lots of chocolate ice cream, her absolute favorite treat.


What’s Neomiexlili’s real name? 

Her real name is the same as her nickname, Neomiexlili, but some people also call her Cinnanoe.

How old is Neomiexlili? 

She was born on June 4, 2002, so you can figure out how old she is by counting from that year.

Where is Neomiexlili from? 

She comes from Bern, Switzerland, a beautiful place with lots of mountains.

 Why is Neomiexlili famous? 

She shares fun videos and pictures on the internet, and many people like watching them.

Does Neomiexlili have any brothers or sisters? 

We didn’t talk about this, but it’s something many people wonder.

What does Neomiexlili like to do for fun? 

Although we didn’t cover her hobbies, she loves creating content that makes people happy.

Can I watch Neomiexlili’s videos? 

Yes! She puts her videos on social media where everyone can see them.


In this story about Neomiexlili, we learned lots of cool stuff about her. She’s from a place called Bern in Switzerland and has done so many fun things to become famous on the internet. Neomiexlili, who is also known as Cinnanoe, is really good at sharing her life and making people smile with her videos and photos.

Even though we didn’t talk about everything in her life, like her family or what she likes to do for fun, we know she’s working hard and has big dreams for the future. She’s a star on social media, and lots of people like to see what she’s up to. Remember, Neomiexlili shows us that with some creativity and hard work,.


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